Decoding the Mission….

Is it Everything to do with Effort? Crazy Love Chapter 4

I will be honest, Chapter four beat me up. I can’t figure out how humans are suppose to maximize effort, knowing everyone falls short. This reading was about being lukewarm, and if you haven’t read it I promise every person on earth falls into one of the habits, there are like 20, so it covers everyone at one point or another. I understand the scripture;

“Love the Lord your GOD with all your heart and with all your soul and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment” (Matt22:37-38)

But every human in history has been distracted one time or another from the above. So without ruining the entire chapter for those that haven’t read it, what are we to do? Where I get confused, is at what point do we get a pat on the back and say good job, this is what I want. I think the answer is there is no point. So it is all about focus and effort.

After writing the above I watched the small group DVD and it helped clear up a little bit. He talks about how baptism is different in this country than in other countries. In other countries you don’t get baptized until you are willing to give up everything to follow Jesus. Where as in America we get baptized, and then later decide to give up some sin, and we are characterized as growing in the Lord. Most Americans don’t give up everything on the spot.

So I as I sit here and drink my lukewarm coffee (watch the little video and laugh with me) I wonder if it is easier to give up “Everything” in other countries, because they don’t have much. So in the grand scheme of things they aren’t giving up anything. I really don’t believe GOD wants us to sell our house, or leave our families without saying goodbye to go on a mission’s trip to follow and do his will, as they did in the Gospel. But I think the point is if you are not willing to give what is necessary then you are what they call “Lukewarm”.

Anyway I am still confused as to the grand goal or purpose is at this point, and maybe the following chapters will help. Please share if you have some incite whether you have read the book or not. All discussions are welcome, this should be interesting.

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